Author Archive

Jabberwocky 12

31st July 2012 | Closed

Fer­al Dream Orphan­age by Alexan­dra Sei­del Stolen Child by Nicole M. Tay­lor Reverse Burn by Saman­tha Hen­der­son & Kendall Evans Erlk­ing by David Mohan

Feral Dream Orphanage

31st July 2012 | Closed

by Alexan­dra Sei­del (Ger­many) The moon is a lantern in my house of fer­al dreams, each dream a beast from a leg­end unwrit­ten, their shad­ows cut from night­mares and the wish to fly.

Stolen Child

31st July 2012 | Closed

by Nicole M. Tay­lor (USA) Rosalie’s moth­er used to have a rou­tine for when­ev­er Ros­alie or one of her sis­ters informed her that anoth­er baby was soon on its way. She would sit down slow­ly, as though her ar-thri­tis pained her more than it actu­al­ly did and lean her head on her hand. “Another mouth […]

Reverse Burn

31st July 2012 | Closed

by Saman­tha Hen­der­son & Kendall Evans USA (after Franken­stein, Edi­son Stu­dios, 1910:)


31st July 2012 | Closed

by David Mohan (Ire­land) The woods round here are haunt­ed.  That’s how it feels. I step in between the trees and a dif­fer­ent atmos­phere set­tles. A lis­ten­ing qui­et. There is the light susurra­tion as my feet pad on dead nee­dles.  I walk between trees, think­ing that the sound here is too muf­fled, the air too close […]