Archive for the ‘ Jabberwocky 5 ’ Category

Laying Small Ghosts

2nd March 2011 | Closed

by Vir­ginia M. Mohlere Eighth grade dis­sec­tion day: the whis­per­ing creak of eleven ghost frogs fol­lowed me from the class­room, pale hop­ping at my feet.


28th February 2011 | Closed

by Shwe­ta Narayan She carved me from a Bod­hi root drunk on the but­ter-white moth­er of floods weaned me on jag­gery and ghee. I was ear­ly, impa­tient to scream. My clothes too big. The wrong doc­tor birthed me—the man, at her bed. She gave me

The Burmese Tailor

28th February 2011 | Closed

by Genevieve Valen­tine John’s breath was curl­ing around his bones when the house girl opened the door.  “To see you,” she stam­mered. He could see the light through her skirt. He won­dered if Charles was back from Europe with his por­tion of the inher­i­tance used up; Charles would look for him here.  “Show him in,” John managed, […]

From Fantasist to Son

8th February 2011 | 5 Comments

by Adam B. Sha­ef­fer I have seen the ice drag­on rise glis­ten­ing and glit­ter­ing from the depths of the west­ern sea.

The Poet’s Child

8th February 2011 | 1 Comment

by A.C. Wise Oranges, Age, and Regret The poet’s child awoke to dis­cov­er the loss of the word for a fruit so bright its skin is like the set­ting sun, its juice so bit­ter-sweet that it is all of sum­mer and win­ter in one mouth­ful. The child rose and, see­ing the day was already late, went […]