Archive for the ‘ Previous Issues ’ Category

Jabberwocky 16

30th November 2012 | Closed

Under Seige Zach Wag­n­er All the King's Hors­es, All the King's Men by Alexan­dra Sei­del King of Kings by Tejas Ranade Hard­er Trick Than Heart by E. Cather­ine Tobler

Jabberwocky 15

30th October 2012 | Closed

Shahrazad Spoils the Cof­fee by Sofia Samatar Aman­da Invades the Muse­um  by Michael J. DeLu­ca The Ora­cle of DARPA by Bogi Takács Ques­tion Four by Steven L. Peck

Jabberwocky 14

26th September 2012 | Closed

Syco­rax Awaits the Birth of Cal­iban by San­di Lei­bowitz The Book of Lit­tle Deaths by A.C. Wise Bod­ies from Bones by Helen Ogden The Scarred Utopi­an Takes a Wife by Sun­ny Moraine

Jabberwocky 13

28th August 2012 | Closed

I Dreamed the Moon by Julia Rios The Seed Keep­er by 小川 幸生 Yuki­mi Ogawa Undo­ing Win­ter by Shan­non Con­nor Win­ward Spark by Steve Toase

Jabberwocky 12

31st July 2012 | Closed

Fer­al Dream Orphan­age by Alexan­dra Sei­del Stolen Child by Nicole M. Tay­lor Reverse Burn by Saman­tha Hen­der­son & Kendall Evans Erlk­ing by David Mohan