Archive for the ‘ Jabberwocky 5 ’ Category


29th April 2011 | 1 Comment

by Erik Amund­sen In prime and in chief I call you my sib­lings, we who suck­led togeth­er at the kind­ness of our moth­er, we who sucked and grew fat on her boun­ty, fat, and also strong. Hers are the tusks that rend,

She Makes One Hell of a Wicked Witch

29th April 2011 | 2 Comments

by Peter Kovochich When the news­pa­per girl start­ed get­ting weird, when she start­ed talk­ing about meet­ing the wiz­ard and killing the witch, Ray decid­ed it was time to can­cel his subscription.


29th April 2011 | 1 Comment

by Bec­ca De La Rosa She bloomed like a flower from his skele­ton, one unnec­es­sary bone grown longer in a Petri dish, and the snakes that presided over her birth asked: “What are you, a ves­ti­gial limb? What are you, sutured skin? Where is your mat­ter? What mat­ter belongs to you, if any­thing belongs to you?” […]

The New Alexandria

29th April 2011 | 1 Comment

by Sonya Taaffe I want this new Alexan­dria. I want to light these can­dles and chant across the divide of weeks while my neigh­bor on one side pours a lit­tle beer into a saucer for the red desert wind and the resin-black jackal

Waxed Lachrymose

3rd March 2011 | Closed

by Sarah E. Colona I dis­cerned, obscure­ly, a child’s face look­ing through the win­dow —Emi­ly Bron­të, Wuther­ing Heights Som­er­sault of fog. Winter’s chill hid­den with­in Wood smoke. Gorse. Clove.