Archive for the ‘ Jabberwocky 11 ’ Category

Warning Signs

26th June 2012 | 1 Comment

by J.C. Runolf­son (USA) Don’t eat that. Don’t feed that. Don’t touch that.


26th June 2012 | 1 Comment

by San­di Lei­bowitz (USA) I knew she’d be dif­fi­cult, that one. Even before I made her out up close. I knew it by the way she pushed all nim­sy mim­sy through the branch­es on the path to my cot­tage, half hang­ing back. Not out of fear but uncer­tain­ty. The ones afeared, they cow­er and quake […]

Happily Ever

26th June 2012 | Closed

by Matthew Yasuo­ka (USA) I. Para­nor­mal para­pets point par­al­lax dis­tance defined by math­e­mat­ics an acute angle cir­cum­scribed by the com­pass oscil­la­tions Nev­er find­ing truth. Direc­tion­al falsehoods.

Knots, Cracks, Trees, Hills

26th June 2012 | 2 Comments

by Patri­cia Rus­so (USA) We climb up the hill, and then we climb down the oth­er side. Watch out for the cracks.