Archive for the ‘ Jabberwocky 6 ’ Category

A Mother Goes Between

5th July 2011 | Closed

by Rose Lem­berg Darja’s hus­band stood in the door­way, his bulk a black­ness of smoke-smelling furs that obstruct­ed the way back into the warmth. For three years the log-house had been her home, but now the starv­ing wind slashed her, the snow choked her, the heart-heavy dusk smoth­ered her face.  Dar­ja smelled the teeth rot­ting in […]

Beloved Witch

5th July 2011 | Closed

by Alexan­dra Sei­del Swipe me away with a broom like dirt this would suit your nature I sup­pose as you are a witch —did you real­ly think that you could hide it?

A Plague of Souls

5th July 2011 | 1 Comment

by D. Eliz­a­beth Was­den At twelve, I swal­low my mother's soul. She has pre­pared me for the act, but my father turns away. She teach­es me how to swal­low oth­er souls and how to change men and women into mag­ic for my own pur­pos­es. I have worn her soul like a chain neck­lace, each link […]


5th July 2011 | Closed

by Hol­ly Appling I am in love with a magi­cian —
 He comes home near mid­night
 & relax­es, undoes his slant­ed  Tuxe­do shirt but­tons, his body Is always here & gone, the Voice hangs in cor­ners like bats â€”