Author Archive

Jabberwocky 14

26th September 2012 | Closed

Syco­rax Awaits the Birth of Cal­iban by San­di Lei­bowitz The Book of Lit­tle Deaths by A.C. Wise Bod­ies from Bones by Helen Ogden The Scarred Utopi­an Takes a Wife by Sun­ny Moraine

Sycorax Awaits the Birth of Caliban

26th September 2012 | 1 Comment

by San­di Lei­bowitz (USA) spine grows soft like island pine; ankles swell; breath comes short; blue vines of veins trel­lis my trunks.

The Book of Little Deaths

26th September 2012 | Closed

by A.C. Wise (USA) There has always been a bor­del­lo here. It has been called a broth­el, a whore­house, a cabaret, and a tem­ple, but in the end, it is always the same. It is always here. Here changes, the world shift­ing from for­est to desert, city to sea, but the bor­del­lo remains the same. And […]

Bodies from Bones

25th September 2012 | Closed

by Helen Ogden (Eng­land) These are the joints that cal­ci­fy us, these are the cur­dled reins that rise. These are the roots that ten­derise the fight­ing mass,

The Scarred Utopian Takes a Wife

25th September 2012 | Closed

by Sun­ny Moraine (USA) On the day of her wed­ding, the bride of the Scarred Utopi­an pulls her veil down over her face. She does this unas­sist­ed by her atten­dants, assem­bled around her in silence of the most solemn kind—this is a thing that she must do her­self, her fin­ger­tips slip­ping over the intri­cate needle […]