Author Archive

Jabberwocky 17

21st December 2012 | Closed

On the Last Day Comes the Inde­fin­able Deb­o­rah Walk­er How We Spent the End of the World  Radu Roma­ni­uc For those won­der­ing where their bod­ies have gone… Kaolin Fire There’s No Place Like No Place Jeff Samson

On the Last Day Comes the Indefinable

21st December 2012 | Closed

Deb­o­rah Walk­er (Eng­land) On the last day, when the red, dying sun bounces long light on the lap­ping ocean, we come.

How We Spent the End of the World

21st December 2012 | 1 Comment

Radu Roma­ni­uc (Roma­nia) The téléphérique moved so silent­ly that I found myself drows­ing despite the bit­ing cold. I kept think­ing that maybe we weren’t mov­ing for­ward at all and the gen­tle rock­ing of the cab was a result of wind rather than cable action. The thought didn’t feel alarm­ing enough to make me open my eyes. […]

For those wondering where their bodies have gone…

21st December 2012 | Closed

Kaolin Fire (USA) For those won­der­ing where their bod­ies have gone…the sun,  and life, any­thing but this dark, cold ruckus: what do you remember?

There's No Place Like No Place

21st December 2012 | Closed

Jeff Sam­son (USA) He was a small, qui­et boy sit­ting at the edge of the play­ground, watch­ing the oth­er chil­dren through the com­fort of the chain-link fence between, watch­ing them laugh­ing and play­ing on the mon­key bars and carousels.